Friday, June 25, 2010

Resolution of Ethical Conflict in Corporate America.

The are steps to the "Resolution of Ethical Conflict," that are important in any work place. We've all seen these list that normally comes from the Human Resources department at any major company. I have personally seen this list of steps at more than one company that I have worked for. The steps are designed to keep conflicts to a minimum in the work place. People know how exactly to handle them and who to report to in the case of a severe conflict. The purpose of each step is crucial to the overall resolution of conflicts in the office. Each step is important in its own way and must be followed to ensure the proper handling of any corporate conflict.

Discussing a potential conflict with your manager is very important. This will provide you the ability to track your escalation process. Once you notify management than a potential conflict is now documented and made aware to your higher ups. It also provides you with a way to move the conflict off your responsibility and gives management the burden of making sure the conflict is resolved peacefully. If the conflict involves your immediate supervisor the step requires you to report to the next level. Make sure that you communicate your problems with your supervisor so that a clear understanding is present in the conflict.

Talking to a counselor is a good idea as pointed out as one of the steps in the process. You want to always make sure that your issues are of an ethical nature and a counselor is a good source to start with. Discussing this in a meeting with your counselor will also secure more documentation of the present issue at hand. Anytime there is a conflict at your job you want to make sure that certain steps are documented and the proper people are notified at your company. A counselor can also help you determine the best course of action in the event the conflict is not resolved in the proper manner. It is important that you get a third party’s opinion on how to handle the situation since their opinion will be nonbiased in nature.

When you follow steps one and two of the resolution you have basically made sure that you are not the only one that knows about the conflict. If the conflict was to get out of hand and only you and the other party knew of it, then there could be negative ramifications on you. Companies want to know, what the potential problems in their office or place of business may be. These steps are designed to make sure that a small conflict doesn’t become too big.

Consulting with your own attorney is important because you want to make sure that you are not exposed to any legal actions that can be taken against you. So much publicity is given to certain conflicts in big companies that it is important to have legal representation on hand and ready. You never know when an ethical conflict at one of the country’s biggest or most important companies is going to end up on the news. Keeping your bases covered in this event is smart not only for you but for your company. Your attorney can also provide you with advice as to how to protect yourself in a civil case if the conflict escalates

Following these steps will ensure that any ethical conflict that arises on the job will be handled properly. You want to make sure that management knows what’s going on and that you also have good legal advice. Conflicts escalate everyday when they are not handled property. These three steps are designed to makes sure that a small problem never escalates into a huge one. You will see that most companies have some kind of conflict resolution bill like this one. Make sure you follow them in the event that there is a problem at your job.

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